Markets Are Noisy.
We Make Calm out of the Chaos.

Macro Intelligence 2 Partners

A global independent macroeconomic research firm established in 2011. Our team generates research that guides you through market fundamentals; helping you anticipate resulting movements and execute timely trades.

We look at how economies move by analyzing the macroeconomic variables that drive asset prices. Our goal is to help clients exploit trading opportunities inherent in macroeconomic and policy-related developments. Our research empowers clients to take more intelligent risks and understand where to spot opportunities.

Designed for Decision Makers.

Who is this for? Hedge fund managers, asset allocators, family offices, individual investors, and those who need leading research on where the market is going. Our research team integrates long-term market insights with tactical trading strategies, technical and uniquely personalized delivery for investors.

This is for you if:

  • You don’t need hand-holding: You’re looking for actionable insights that allow you to express trades in the most appropriate form for your portfolio.
  • You or your company need 360° analysis: From semiconductor output in Taiwan to Swedish unemployment, the MI2 Research Team has a global perspective that connects intricate dots and shines light on pathways others aren’t thinking about.
  • Repeatable processes and frameworks are your thing: Models, frameworks, and exhaustive research are how Julian’s team have found decade-long success.
trading insights
macroeconomic research

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Download our three-part report to see how you can use our research to identify and exploit profitable trading opportunities.

We create high quality macroeconomic research with...

A Competitive Advantage

Our goal is to continuously refine our views so the client can prosper. The MI2 team has decades of market experience through bull and bear markets.

Refined Timing

We only publish when opportunities are identified, not on a set schedule. We don’t speak out unless we have value to add.

Unparalleled Perspective

Our work is time-sensitive and impartial research focused on successfully navigating markets. Our research guides clients’ strategic positioning and risk management.

Powerful Independence

We are authentic with our work producing research pieces on an impartial and time-sensitive basis focusing solely on the client’s advances in the market.

What our clients are saying
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